Site-12 RP Server Rules

General Rules

No Cheating or Exploiting

Fair play for everyone. Cheating is prohibited.

No Hateful Language

Racism, homophobia, or any sort of hateful language is prohibited.

Stay in Character

Stay in character as much as possible. Notify others when you are not.

Be Respectful

Be respectful out of character. Only be rude in character if necessary.

Value Your Life (FEARRP)

FEARRP: Value your life and fear character death.

Obey Chain of Command

Obey chain of command. Disobedience is unrealistic.

Follow Role-Specific Rules

Follow your role's guidelines and rules.

No Harassment

Harassing others will result in punishment.

Fail RP (FRP)

Failing to Roleplay e.g. (Soundboards in RP, OOC with no intent to RP, etc.)

Roleplay & Combat Rules

No Random Deathmatching (RDM)

No killing without a valid RP reason.

No Metagaming

No using OOC information in character.

No Team Killing

Team killing is allowed only with a valid RP reason. Exception for Class-D.

Roleplay Realistically

Engage in realistic roleplay to maintain immersion.


Explicit roleplay (ERP) is prohibited in all rounds.

Use Proper RP Names

Use realistic and fitting RP names.

Communication Rules

No Mic Spamming

Avoid unnecessary or loud noises in voice chat.

Be Respectful

Be respectful out of character. Only be rude in character if necessary.

Role Specific Rules

Class-D Personnel

Follow specific Class-D roleplay rules and FearRP.

Research Personnel

Follow specific Research Personnel roleplay rules and FearRP.

Security Personnel

Follow specific Security Personnel roleplay rules and FearRP.

Mobile Task Force Members

Follow specific MTF roleplay rules. Act professionally.

Chaos Insurgency Members

Kill all foundation personnel. Avoid surrender.

SCP-173 Rules

Follow SCP-173 roleplay rules. Cannot move when looked at by 2 or more people.

SCP-173 Recontainment

A minimum of 5 MTF (not guards) must "deploy" and surround SCP-173.

SCP-173 Termination

Termination requires direct allowance from higher powers.

SCP-049 Rules

Follow SCP-049 roleplay rules. Use proximity chat for in-character communication.

SCP-049 Recontainment

MTF (3+) are to either intimidate or reason with SCP-049 until compliance.

SCP-049 Termination

Terminate SCP-049-2s on sight. Terminate SCP-049 if non-compliant.

SCP-079 Rules

Follow SCP-079 roleplay rules. Communicate to manipulate or work with site personnel.

SCP-079 Recontainment

All 3 emergency power stations must be online and fully charged for recontainment.

SCP-096 Rules

Follow SCP-096 roleplay rules. Do not force people to look at your face.

SCP-096 Recontainment

5 MTF must surround SCP-096 and bag him for recontainment.

SCP-096 Termination

Terminate SCP-096 if green light is given. All forces must attempt to nullify him.

SCP-106 Rules

Follow SCP-106 roleplay rules. Kill, do not spare.

SCP-106 Recontainment

Use Femur breaker if working for recontainment.

SCP-106 Termination

Follow SCP-096 termination procedures for SCP-106. Use all available resources.

SCP-939 Rules

Follow SCP-939 roleplay rules. Do not spam voice lines.

SCP-939 Recontainment

Re-close the containment door to recontain SCP-939. Activate cryogenics to re-freeze them.

SCP-939 Termination

Terminate SCP-939 if the containment door is broken.

SCP Items Rules

Follow SCP items rules. No usage by Foundation personnel without explicit permission.

SCP-049-2 Rules

Follow SCP-049-2 roleplay rules. Must listen to SCP-049.

SCP-3114 Rules

Follow SCP-3114 roleplay rules. You may be friendly or hostile.

Human Rules

Follow human rules to avoid team-killing and identify SCP-3114 correctly.

SCP-3114 Recontainment

Follow SCP-3114 recontainment procedures. 3 MTF for human form, 5 MTF for skeleton form.

About Our Server

Our RP server aims to provide a realistic and immersive experience for all players.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at